Support phpList on Patreon


phpList is the most popular Open Source email marketing software used by small and large organizations, corporations and government agencies. This “Upvote” to the software shows the massive support of people and companies to an open product which is community-driven and has frequent releases. All the above, to the benefit of its users.

Developing phpList3 and phpList4

phpList was initially launched back in 2000 when Michiel Dethmers, the phpList creator, started using the product for the first time. Two decades later and the software is quite different as many people have contributed in adding more features or optimizing those that are already there. The current version of phpList is a result of the community contributions and the phpList Ltd. developers.

phpList 4 is the latest project of phpList. This is a rewrite of phpList 3 which includes a more clean code. You can find the core module of the successor to phpList 3 on a dedicated repository on GitHub under the name “core”. Would like to contribute to the development of phpList 4? Check out the Contribution Guidelines and start now.

phpList on Patreon

Pledge on Patreon

Now phpList is on Patreon seeking for your support in order to develop the software further and enhance the current version. The monthly goal is only $2,500 which will go directly on the product. Want to support phpList? Oh, that’s great! Visit phpList on Patreon and choose one of the available tiers. You can choose between $3, $10, $25 or $75 monthly or one time donations.

By supporting phpList you support the broader Open Source ecosystem by proving everyone with an efficient Open Source product. But most important, you will get back all these enhancements and updates of the product!

Patreon tires

Other types of support

If you wish to support phpList differently other than monetarily, here is what you can do:

  • Check the GitHub repository and see if you can fix something. Then, create a Pull Request and see your contribution on the upcoming release.    
  • Join the phpList online community forum and dive in to the discussion.    
  • Report a bug on Mantis, the phpList bug tracker.    
  • Test the Release Candidate. Before the final release, there is always an RC  (Beta) version of phpList for people to run and test. Then, give your feedback on the forum.    
  • Bring phpList on your language by translating it on Weblate.  

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